Do you manage your projects with Excel and email?
Do you waste your time, when you search a billion places to find the rigth information?
There is a better way.
With Modelspace Projects, you will get a realistic project situation status with a glance. You will find all information that you need from one place. Manage your projects so, that you will recognize the risks before they are realized.
With Modelspace you will manage your construction projects with high quiality up-to-date information.
"Accessible information is utilized information."
Manage your projects as easily as you would browse the news.
Manage your organizations projects easily and securely. Engage the participant in a project to work together so that your projects are more profitable.
Foresee and prepare your projects to withstand risks and get a proper situational view of all the projects within your organization.
Define and lead the resources in your projects more efficiently. Be sure, that the workloads of your participants are as a whole properly determined.
Take advantege of uniform and real-time information to manage projects on one platform. Finally get rid of your papers and excel-sheets. Modelspace saves you time, effort and money - not to mention your nerves.
"Modelspace is a tool for over half of our professionals, which means about 200 persons."
See every morning, what is the status of your projects. This helps you prioritize your day.
Get a solution, that gives you a clear picture of all your projects: past, present and planned ones. Compare the projects to one another and utilize the best methods and metrics for future projects.
Tailorized metrics and check-up lists give your more opportunities to manage the progress of projects.
See, what is happening at the site. Merge task management in the construction site to Modelspace, and you don't need to quess, what really is happening at the site.
Lighten your load. Modelspace will automatically send notes and memos of important milestones and tasks, so you don't have to do it.

"If one can't keep updated on your projects, one might be unable to react to events on time."
All the necessary information is finally found in one place!
Find all the project information from one platform. It is the same platform you use to document your own accomplishments, so your communication does not split into different channels. You don't need multiple platforms to crowd your work.
You find all the necessary information behind one password, and the platform is accessible anytime, anywhere.
Because you can trust the information, you save time and effort.
Utilize ready-made template documents, so you don't have to create documents from scratch. Modelspace fills out some parts of the document automatically for you.

"In our work, Modelspace creates a certain feeling of safety. If I had a computer here, I could in 30 seconds show you the data from any project."

Benefits of digital age
"The more complex your project is, the more you need Modelspace."
Standardize processes
Bring all your projects under one software. This way you will standardize your processes, make your actions transparent and manage everything with one solution. Your new projects will improve, when you copy the most successful processes of your previous projects - and you will never guess, what will happen next.
Knowledge leads to better decisions
Follow the progress of your projects in real time, and save time spent on looking for information. See at a glance the status of all your projects. Use your own metrics and key figures, and be sure, that your decisions are based on better knowledge.
Transform data into information
Because all information is database driven, not document driven, Modelspace can create documents for you without manual labour. You can easily compare different projects and key figures - and you can share high quality information with interested parties.
Unique features
"All the necessary information behind a single login"
One password, one window
For once see all the information from one place: Modelspace brings together project information, status changes, communication, tasks and documents behind one password. Now your concentration does not stop, and project changes don't pass you by.
The best process for you
Easen, foresee and improve. Boost your business with ready-made task-lists and processes. Views, process, key information - you can customize everything to fit your needs.
Decisions based on information
Who did what - and when? Modelspace keeps track of all changes. Thus no information is lost, even when the project gets completed or original files get lost. You can access all the information anywhere, anytime.
Ready to print
Decrease the time spent at your keyboard, when you use Modelspaces ready-made document templates. Information stored in databases is easily convertible to documents. Now you can focus on management - and not on creating bulk documents.
Investment Planning solution has been integrated with multiple other solutions successfully.
For example, it is a part of the IWMS360 portfolio, that combines multiple softwares under one solution.
Overall solution for project and property information
"This is life-cycle information management in practice"
Modelspace Projects is a part of a larger software family. Modelspace combines information from investments and construction to fulfil the requirements of operation and management. All data is stored in the cloud, so it is always accessible.